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Company Profile

Corporate Information

Company Name
Dec 21, 2020
12 million yen
Main Operations

1. Planning, production, sales, distribution, operation, and management of websites, web content, and other services using the Internet

2. Planning, development, production, distribution, management, operation, and sales of various application software

3. Planning, production, and sale of advertisements, publications, digital content, and their designs

4. IT consulting business

Head Office
Akasaka Tsukada Building 6F, 1-11-13 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka 810-0042
Thomas Cyrielle

Company Highlights

Read about some of DIGITOMENU's company highlights. For our full history, click here.

Nov 2019
Launched DOKOCHA, a digital platform for Japanese Tea locations and experiences in Japan with our first Tea Business Partners: Satén Japanese Tea, Mixology Salon, Nakamura Tokichi, Tagashira Chaho, Chakas Japanese Tea & Onigiri, Senchado, and TsujiriHei Honten
Jul 2020
DIGITOMENU was created to provide QR Code Menu technology to local businesses
Sep 2020
DIGITOMENU and DOKOCHA were featured on the TV Show "Support Local" Fukuoka Connection News on J:COM and in the PR section of our Business Partner, Kawaya in Fukuoka
Dec 2020
Established DOKOJAPAN K.K., the Japanese entity which holds the two brands/products: DOKOCHA & DIGITOMENU
Jul 2021
Implemented DIGITOMENU QR code menus at Kawaya (Kego, Otemon, Shirogane)
Sep 2021
DIGITOMENU certified as a Fukuoka City Excellent Trial Product
Nov 2021
DIGITOMENU was selected to be listed on J-GoodTech, an online business matching platform operated by SME SUPPORT JAPAN (a Governmental Organization recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) of Japan)
Mar 2022
Implemented DIGITOMENU's QR code menus at Café Rassembler located in the Fukuoka Zoo
Started an SDG partnership with One Tree Planted to plant trees around the planet for new QR code menus created on DIGITOMENU #MenuForGood
Apr 2022
DIGITOMENU was certified by Fukuoka Prefecture as a Multilingual Service Provider for Restaurants (Inbound Solution) and listed in their catalog
Nov 2022
DOKOJAPAN K.K. invited to join Fukuoka Mayor Soichiro Takashima and his delegation in Bordeaux (France) to participate in the 40th anniversary of the twinning of the two cities as a success model for startups and as a symbol of the connection between the two cities.
DIGITOMENU selected by the Cabinet Office of Japan to be featured in the TV program "The Project Japan - A Regional Renaissance Powered by Digital Technologies" on Channel JAPAN by Nikkei, broadcasted on CNBC Asia and Nikkei CNBC. Part of the initiative "Digital Garden City Nation" led by Prime Minister Kishida.
Jan 2024
DOKOJAPAN K.K. launched " menuforGOOD " as first directory BtoC platform (Read our "Press Release" on PR TIMES).
Feb 2024
DOKOJAPAN K.K. launched 'Inaka Revitalization Project' to support visibility and accessibility of cities located in the Japanese Countryside (Read our "Press Release" on PR TIMES).

A Message From the CEO

Photo of CEO

I have spent my entire career helping local businesses in their digitization process. This is why I created Digitomenu, to provide safer, more accessible, and sustainable solutions to businesses/companies in Japan with our QR Code Menu technology.

We consider your menu as the most powerful communication tool to attract new customers and make current ones repeat visitors. If you transform your menu into a digital menu, you will amplify its visibility. If you provide food diversity information, you will connect with customers by showing them that you care about and respect their dietary needs. Translate your menus into foreign languages and you’ll have an even bigger opportunity to reach new customers. There are many expats living in Japan (2.8M in 2021), and the borders are slowly but surely reopening. You have to prepare yourself and your business prior to their arrival (as your competitors surely will).

We know that the Corona crisis has hit you (us) hard, but we strongly believe in digital menus and their ability to create a positive impact in your daily business activities. We are here to support you in every step of the digitization process. Additionally, we have a vision called #MenuForGood where we want to show that with the creation of digital menus, you can also take care of the planet by reducing the amount of production of paper and plastic in Japan (23.9M tons of paper and 9.6M tons of plastic in 2021 and 2020 respectively). As a company, since March 2022, we have committed to planting 1 tree for each QR code menu created on Digitomenu with our partner One Tree Planted.

We are excited for what the future holds and hope to partner with you in creating accessible and sustainable digital solutions throughout Japan!

Cyrielle Thomas

Founder & CEO


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